Tuesday, August 7, 2012

20 Days..20 Things To Pray For

20 Days.

Twenty days until I head off for Atlanta and later Uganda! Here are twenty things that you all can be praying for!

1) His Will~Pray that whatever God wants to happen will happen, pray for His perfect will to be done.
2) Uganda~Pray for the people of Uganda, that God would totally blow their minds with His love and grace.
3) All We Encounter~Pray for not only those we meet in Uganda but everyone we encounter..even those at the airport:)
4) Provision~Pray that the Lord would provide the last $682.45..as well as the money to pay for all of the "extra" stuff. (shots, airfare, etc)
5) My Team~Pray that the Lord would grow our hearts and our love for Him. Also pray for friendship and bonding. (something I'm super pumped for!)
6) God As Father~Pray that those who come from broken homes in Uganda would be able to understand God as a father.
7) Health & Safety~Pray for God's protection to be over us as we travel and live in Uganda.
8) Ebola Threat~Pray for the ebola threat currently going on in Uganda, for those affected, and that they would be able to contain it. (Also pray for the friends & family of those who have lost a love one because of it)
9) Willing Hearts~Pray that as the Lord shapes all of those on my team, and that we would be willing to be stretched..even when it hurts.
10) Energy~Pray for energy..I'm sure we will be quite tired from time to time!
11) Hanging Out With Christ~Pray that we would all make time to hang out with God on our own. (to read the Word, pray, journal, etc)
12) God's Love~Pray that the people of Uganda would see God's love through us.
13) Lot of Laughs~Pray that we would be able to have lots of fun!
14) Healing~Pray for healing among the brokenness of Uganda.
15) Filled With Christ~Pray that the Lord would empty me of myself and fill me with Him.
16) Boldness~Pray that Christ would give us the boldness to openly witness to others.
17) Worship~Pray that we would be able to worship and honor Christ in all we do.
18) Remember The Point~Pray that through all of this we would remember the point, why we are going. Christ loves us. Christ saved us. Christ wants to have a relationship with us.
19) Joyfulness~Pray that we would be able to be joyful and praise God among all circumstances. (even through tears & food poisoning) ;)
20) Not Just Another Mission Group~Pray that we wouldn't be just another mission team that comes and leaves. Pray that the Lord would use us to make an impact on His beautiful people.

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