Wednesday, November 21, 2012

This Child Soldier Has A Name

        During my time in Lira our team has been able to make many trips to the hospital to visit and pray over the patients. Among one of the visits I was able to meet Joseph, a former child soldier that had been abducted by the LRA. He had come to the hospital to see and older woman he knew, and to help pay for her medical bills. Through our conversation he began to tell me his story, and a few weeks later he was able to type up and email his experience in detail to me.
        Being in Uganda has allowed me to put a face to these brutal stories. They are no longer merely statistics, they are personal. ***Be aware that Joseph's story isn't easy to read, and at times is gruesome. But it is truthful and unfortunately, it was his reality.

"My father used to have two wives in 1984, of which the first was my
mother. In 1985 my father was appointed to be a pastor. He started to
chase away his first wife, who was my mother. This was when I was two

years old and she was forced to go while leaving me behind, so when
she left my stepmother took care of me and I happened to stay unaware
of the fact that my stepmother was not my real mother. Though the
situation was rough, I kept questioning myself if really this was my
real mother and I could not get any answer for myself. When I stayed
with my parents for 15 years I started hearing some rumours that my
real mother is close but whenever I asked my father about her he would
get really upset that is why I couldn´t ask him anymore and I just
continued persevere with the hard situation.
Unfortunately in 1999 the Lords Resistance Army abducted me by the age
of 15. This happened on a Friday and after I was abducted with seven

of my friends we spent the night in the bush. During that night the
rebels slaughtered five of us and only two of us were allowed to
continue with the rebels.

Then in 2001 we were all in Sudan and from there I managed to be taken
and stayed in the home of the rebel commander Joseph Kony and in 2002
they took me to school and I was allowed to study in Sudan for the
next three years. From there I heard that some of my relatives were
killed by the LRA. Then in 2004 they gave me one of the hardest task
to do, which was cutting of one hundred heads, and two sacks of
women´s breasts and all this was supposed to be done in only 7 days.
The task was so hard that I could not fulfil it. Because I was scared
of the consequences of my failure I still managed this terrible and
crucial task. But my daily prayer was to come back and start living my normal life.

In that same year of 2004 they took me and other child soldiers back to
Barloonyo and we were forced again to kill the people from our homes.
And from there about 370 people lost their lives and numbers of houses
were burnt and young kids of 7 years and younger were cut into pieces

and adults were pushed in houses and burnt as well. Many government
soldiers were defeated, tortured and killed and all the farm animals
were massacred. The area was left with no hope whatsoever of any human
being seen around. The following day, we went to Katakwi to a place
called Balanga and there we killed 120 people and a great number of
government soldiers and I was forced to carry two rotten bodies in a
sack. This was a particular punishment because I had misplaced my gun.
After that I was forced to carry two rotten head tied on my neck.
This year was a terrible year of atrocities and personal difficulties.
In this same year we went to my former home and they happened to
abduct 20 people of my home village and they forced me to slaughter

them by myself. This was the most difficult thing for me to be done by
myself and I started crying. They immediately forced me to sit down
and held a gun at my head to kill me. That was the moment when I
forced myself to slaughter all these people as they had instructed me
to do.

All these happenings were stuck in my mind, after they had forced me
to carry rotten body parts, I couldn´t neither sleep nor eat or talk
without feeling terrible afterward and terrible nightmares shocked me
every night, all these memories terribly affected me mentally and

One day we went again to a certain place called Lira Parto and there 7
kids were pushed in a sack and pound like maize until they died. All
these cruelties made my life were painful and I suffered from terrible
worries and as if that was not enough, one day they brought 15 women
and they were all tied on the ground with dried grass and then the
rebels burnt them and forced us to watch them die. During that
horrible crime, the women were crying and begged God for help. They
also forced an old grandmother to have sex with one of her
grandchildren that was only 14 years old and they forced them to enjoy
it publically. Since they were forced by the evil spirit they again
happened to cut off 20 peoples mouth, ears and noses and this was
commanded by the spirit in Kony. Later that evening after this event,
the spirit commanded Kony to make 5 people eaten alive by their fellow
friends and we were the ones who were forced to eat all those people,
leaving only the bones standing. In addition to that we were forced to
carry peoples goats, cattle, birds (such as ducks and chicken) and
many other animals and yet all these actions felt like violating the
will of God.

And again when we were going across to Sudan, we met some soldiers and
we fought and many of us were killed, but we ended the battle by
defeating them and of one hundred thousand soldiers patrolling
alongside of the border we managed to pass through without too much of
a problem. About two hundred thousand people alongside the border of
Uganda and Sudan were either killed or taken away from their homes to
live in Internal Displacement Camps.

And during the same period; many people were arrested especially the
young abducted men and women where by these men were taken to be
trained to become good soldiers in the future, where as the young
women captured were given to other men, or even sold to them, which
was also terrible insulting in front of God."

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Check Out My Blog

Check out my blog and read about all the crazy adventures I'm having here in Lira, Uganda!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Bigger Than My Suitcase

My suitcase just broke, and I'm a bit flustered because I cannot figure out where the heck I'm going to put my sleeping bag and pillow. Amidst all this craziness I feel God tapping me on the shoulder and saying, "Hey, you can't do this alone, remember?"
Philippians 4:13 says, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." But somehow I tend to replace the word Christ with Hannah. All I am is a puny little human, yet again and again I think I know it all. For some odd reason I find it so easy to trust God with the huge things, like raising $5, 400. But when it comes to finding the money to buy a suitcase I automatically freak. Does that even begin to make sense? I want to go into this trip with total peace, because I know that the Holy Spirit is totally and completely capable of giving me that. He is so much greater than me, this world, and my suitcase :). Why should I even worry? I know He will take care of me always.

Friday, August 17, 2012

10 Days. 10 Things I Don't Want To Leave. 10 Things I Can't Wait To Find.

10 Days.

Ten days until I leave for Atlanta and then Uganda! Here are ten things I don't want to leave behind, and ten things I can't wait to find!

Things I Don't Want To Leave Behind..
1) Friends & Family
2) Another Ohio autumn..baking, leaves changing colors, hot apple cider, delicious smells, tasty pies.
3) Hot showers!
4) The Hobbit coming to theaters December 14th. Nerdy right?;) I totally would of dressed up for the midnight premiere!
5) My big and comfortable bed!
6) Not having to apply tons of sunscreen and bug spray on a daily basis.
7) Taylor Swift's new Red album releasing October 22nd. Big big T-Swift fan.
8) Thanksgiving (:
9) Understanding what people are saying and being able to easily communicate.
10) Living in my comfort zone.

Things I Can't Wait To Find!
1) Encountering God in a whole new way!
2) Experiencing new cultures!
3) Meeting the beautiful people of Uganda!
4) All the super tight friendships I'm going to make..especially with my team!
5) Not having technology invade my life 24/7.
6) Dancing! The people of Uganda evidently love to do I! :)
7) All the new experiences the Lord will bless me with!
8) Worship!
9) Intense spiritual growth!
10) The unknown. Having faith that God is going to completely bless me in ways I can't even begin to imagine on a daily basis!

Can I just say that the second list was much much easier to come with then the first. For the most part the things I don't want to leave behind are worldly and temporary. Whereas the things I'm looking forward to finding are mostly spiritual, and everlasting. I cannot believe that in ten days I will be at training camp! God is good! Please be praying!

His Daughter,
Hannah Renee'

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Uganda Be Kidding Me!

My oh my! I never knew there were so many things that would need to be done in order to prepare for a mission trip! Shots, insurance, doctor visits, getting the gear, the list goes on. But I'm kind of glad this endless to-do list is keeping me occupied, because I'm beyond excited for this trip! Maybe I should start packing....

Okay so here is a little update on my soon to be adventure:
-My trip is completely funded!!! Praise Jesus!!
-Found out that I will be flying to Amsterdam (Netherlands!) then to Nairobi (Kenya) ..not exactly sure why we are flying to Kenya and not Uganda??
-11 people are on our team, including 2 leaders. :)
-This Wednesday (Aug 22nd) I'm going to be having a fundraiser/spirit rally at the Strongsville Chick-Fil-A. (more details to come) All money is going towards paying for airfare to Atlanta, shots, etc.
-While in Uganda I will be blogging through AIM's site. Here is the link if you want to check it out:

Things to be praying for: peace, that God would provide the money needed to pay for all the "extras", that the Lord's will would be done, that He would be growing my entire team and preparing our hearts, that He would protect, bless and grow all those we meet on our trip.

A Chapter Ends. A Chapter Begins.

Sweet nostalgia. Tonight was our last night at youth group, man oh man so many tears! One by one all my friends whom I have become so close to over the past year are slowly heading off to their colleges. I feel like its even harder to say goodbye knowing that its going to be awhile before I seem them again, but I know that time is going to fly. God has totally and completely blessed me in the last year, beyond anything I could have ever hoped for. Which only makes me so incredibly pumped for the crazy awesome adventures that are sure to come!
If I could sum up what I've learned in the past year its that God is one thing, good. SO good! He has grown my heart and stretched me in ways I never knew possible. He allowed me to get a little better glimpse of His heart and completely blew me away. I can definitely say that at this point I am so head of heals for our Creator! What an amazing feeling it is to be so in love with someone you know will always love you forever and ever. Complete bliss. :)
I'm sad that this chapter in my life is slowly closing, but I'm so pumped for the next to begin! I can't even believe that in sixteen days I will be in Africa! How crazy is that?? God is SO good. =) Over the next week and a half, I'm curious to see how the Lord will grow and prepare me for Uganda. One thing is for sure, this will definitely be an adventure.

His Daughter,
Hannah Renee'

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

20 Days..20 Things To Pray For

20 Days.

Twenty days until I head off for Atlanta and later Uganda! Here are twenty things that you all can be praying for!

1) His Will~Pray that whatever God wants to happen will happen, pray for His perfect will to be done.
2) Uganda~Pray for the people of Uganda, that God would totally blow their minds with His love and grace.
3) All We Encounter~Pray for not only those we meet in Uganda but everyone we encounter..even those at the airport:)
4) Provision~Pray that the Lord would provide the last $ well as the money to pay for all of the "extra" stuff. (shots, airfare, etc)
5) My Team~Pray that the Lord would grow our hearts and our love for Him. Also pray for friendship and bonding. (something I'm super pumped for!)
6) God As Father~Pray that those who come from broken homes in Uganda would be able to understand God as a father.
7) Health & Safety~Pray for God's protection to be over us as we travel and live in Uganda.
8) Ebola Threat~Pray for the ebola threat currently going on in Uganda, for those affected, and that they would be able to contain it. (Also pray for the friends & family of those who have lost a love one because of it)
9) Willing Hearts~Pray that as the Lord shapes all of those on my team, and that we would be willing to be stretched..even when it hurts.
10) Energy~Pray for energy..I'm sure we will be quite tired from time to time!
11) Hanging Out With Christ~Pray that we would all make time to hang out with God on our own. (to read the Word, pray, journal, etc)
12) God's Love~Pray that the people of Uganda would see God's love through us.
13) Lot of Laughs~Pray that we would be able to have lots of fun!
14) Healing~Pray for healing among the brokenness of Uganda.
15) Filled With Christ~Pray that the Lord would empty me of myself and fill me with Him.
16) Boldness~Pray that Christ would give us the boldness to openly witness to others.
17) Worship~Pray that we would be able to worship and honor Christ in all we do.
18) Remember The Point~Pray that through all of this we would remember the point, why we are going. Christ loves us. Christ saved us. Christ wants to have a relationship with us.
19) Joyfulness~Pray that we would be able to be joyful and praise God among all circumstances. (even through tears & food poisoning) ;)
20) Not Just Another Mission Group~Pray that we wouldn't be just another mission team that comes and leaves. Pray that the Lord would use us to make an impact on His beautiful people.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Broken and Trusting

Lately all conversations within my household have been focused on the ebola threat in Uganda. My mom's kind of freaking out, which I can kind of understand with the whole "mom" thing and all. ;) But this whole epidemic has only spurred my love and desire to go to Uganda. Which really doesn't make much sense, people are dying due to an unknown disease with no cure..great LET'S GO! haha My first reaction was that isn't this when they would need our help more than ever?
My heart aches for Uganda, and I can't explain it. This beautiful country and their beautiful people have gone through pain that I cannot even begin to imagine. So much brokeness. So much hurt. They were finally on the mend, and now this? I know that they have had ebola threats in the past, but it just seems like one more thing they have to deal with. I don't understand what God is doing, but I know that He is good.
Whether I remain in the states or cross the Atlantic I trust that God will use me in Africa, if I'm praying at home or playing soccer with Ugandans He will use me. I've been asking God to grow my faith..I guess this is Him doing that? Anyways, through all of this my heart will sing no other name. :) God is SO good!
His Daughter,
Hannah Renee'

Monday, July 30, 2012

Uganda Update

Just thought I would give everyone the update on my Uganda trip. :)

~A lot of people have been asking about the Ebola threat ( I have not heard from AIM as to whether or not this will effect our trip to in the mean time I will continue to fundraise and prepare. Please be praying for the health and safety of all those in Uganda.

~Right now I have currently fundraised $4,020.55 meaning I have $1,429.45 to go.
**I have two weeks left to fundraise (August 13th deadline)..if you are going to send in any checks please do so ASAP (they take about two weeks to process)! Online donations need to be made 3 days before the deadline so they have time to process as well.

~Fundraising: Right now I'm selling tshirts through fundthenation. They are $15 apiece, sizes S-XXL. Let me know ASAP if you would like one:) P.S. Shirts need to be bought through me.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

30 Days

30 Days.

Thirty days until I leave for training camp in Atlanta. Thirty days until my adventure begins. In honor of this momentous occasion I thought I'd come up with thirty interesting facts about the lovely country of Uganda. :)

1) There are 4 main ethnic groups in Uganda: The Bantu, The Nilotics, The NiloHamitics, and The Hamites.
2) Independence Day is October 9th. (1962)
3) It is twice the size of Pennsylvania..slightly smaller than Oregon.
4) Boda-bodas (small mopeds) are the most commontransportation.
5) Matoke (steamed bananas) is a popular dish.
6) Agriculture is the most common job.
7) Most who live there eat two meals a day:lunch and supper.
8) Queen Elizabeth (National Park) is known for its warthogs and hippos mowing the lawn at Mweya Lodge.
9) Gorilla tracking serves as a fun past time, but you need a permit first. ;)
10) Landlocked (completely surrounded by land).
11) Olio-tia means "How are you?".
12) Capital: Kampala.
13) Flag consists of six black, yellow, and red stripeswith a grey crowned crane in the center.
14) Is a male dominant society.
15) Is a world class rafting destination.
16) Each tribe has their own music & dance for most occasions.
17) Waragi (banana gin) is the national drink.
18) National Anthem: Oh Uganda, Land of Beauty!
19) Mzungu means "European/foreigner".
20) Life expectancy: 54.
21) Have hot summers & mild winters.
22) Religions: Roman Catholic 41.9%, Protestant 42%, Muslim 12.1%, other 3.1%, none 0.9%.
23) Coffee is the major export crop.
24) Klear Kut is one of their popular musical groups.
25) Tropical climate.
26) Grow crops such as coffee, tea, banana, mango, maze, groundnut, casava, soya, sweet potato, cabbage, onion, rice, etc.
27) 14 million of the country's 30 million people are under the age of 15.
28) Government Type: Republic.
29) Currency is Ugandan shilling.
30) Is called the "Pearl of Africa".

Monday, July 23, 2012

Last Minute God

Most of you know that I have been working like crazy trying to bring in the needed funds for my mission trip to Uganda. Over the last few weeks God has blown my mind and performed miracles, through friends and family over $3,000 has come in. So I thought that I'd share about how amazing our Lord truly is. :)

I had one week to make the $2,000 deadline, and I had only $100 in my account. Let's just say I was a little stressed considering my letters were sent only seven days ago. I knew that if God wanted me to go to Africa He would get me there, but I didn't understand what exactly He was doing, why He was waiting until the last minute. Throughout the week I received about $300, which was amazing, but I was also still $1,700 short. I received a message from my cousin throughout all of this chaos, and his encouragement was exactly what I needed. "Money is nothing for Him! He is all powerful. Just rest in Him. He will do the rest. He is a last minute God. It grows our faith." So one day prior to the deadline I fasted and texted, emailed, and called everyone I could think of begging for prayers. It really doesn't make a lot of sense, but I could literally feel the prayers and through it the faith to know our God never fails. Over the next few hours through family members and some bonds I received as a child the deadline was met. What a blessing! I was so unbelievably relieved..until I got a message from AIM saying I couldn't be for sure guaranteed a ticket unless I could manage to get another $700-800 by the end of the weekend. Oh boy, Iwas so upset! I had just been relieved from this huge stress and now it was back! Throughout the weekend I received $200 which I was extremely grateful for, but I still had $700 to go. My mom said she could put in about $100, but it still wouldn't be enough. Sooo I decided to open my Bible and let the Lord do a little talking. I stumbled upon a little notecard that I had written a verse on from the previous summer (from Kingslove), the original plan was to give it to somebody but for some reason I felt the Lord telling me to hold on to it..I guess it was for this very moment. On the card was Isaiah 26:8, and I know it sounds so cliche' but it was exactly what I needed to hear.

Isaiah 26:8 "Lord, we show our trust in You by obeying Your laws; our heart's desire is to glorify Your name."

I went on to read the rest of Isaiah 26, which felt like God was literally speaking to me, so..amazing. This is now a chapter I will read everyday. :) Anyways after reading that I knew without a doubt that the Lord would provide if it was in His will. So I decided not to tell anybody, because I knew my God would come through and in the end be glorified. The next day I received a phone call from an old friend in Washington asking if his online donation for $500 had come through. I almost dropped the phone, especially considering I had never mentioned anything to him. God was so so good!!! My mom put in another $100 and I got to my deadline, actually I went over by $50. Throughout this past two weeks God has completely blown my mind with His love and faithfulness. What an amazing King we serve! Considering I haven't even left America yet and God has been working wonders now I'm SO pumped to see what all He has in store for me and my team in Africa!!! Right now I have $3,525, meaning I have $1,925 left to raise but I know that God will provide without a doubt. Our God is such a good God, and I'm so blessed to call Him my king.

His Daughter,
Hannah Renee'

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Across The Pond

My heart has always belonged to Uganda. Most don't understand how I can have such a deep love for a country and its people without ever stepping foot within its boundaries, but God has always caused me to have such passion for other cultures. Lately He has grown my heart for the United Kingdom. I have always been fascinated with European culture, being that that is where my ancestors are from. But lately my desire to learn and hopefully even move to the UK has sky-rocketed.

~A Few Facts About The UK ~
-Made up of four countries. (England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland)
-Population is over 60 million
-An Englishmen drinks more tea than any person of any other nation
-Is an extremely diverse nation.
-Is the birthplace of Newton, Shakespeare, Darwin, and the Beatles.
-"The Tear Fund Survey in 2007 revealed 53% call themselves Christian but only 7% are actually practicing Christians." (OM International)
-Manchester United is the world's richest football (soccer) club.
-Currently, alcohol and drug abuse are extremely big issues there.

I'm not sure where God is going to lead me, but in the mean time I'm going to allow the Lord to grow my heart for Him and His beautiful people. I am so excited to see how He moves me and my heart for missions this coming fall in Africa.

His Daughter,
Hannah Renee'

Monday, July 9, 2012

With All My Heart

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding." Proverbs 3:5

Proverbs 3:5 is one of those verses that almost everyone seems too know, and yet trusting with everything in us is just too difficult. It's weird, because I have seen God provide for my needs all my life. I've even seen Him perform miracles. He has NEVER failed me, and yet, I still sometimes doubt that He will come through. The last few weeks God has definitely been teaching me about the importance of trust. By July 13th I have to have $2,000 in my account for Adventures In Missions. I currently have $455.00. But thankfully my God is much bigger than dollar signs, and I HAVE to trust with all my heart that if He wants me serving in Uganda this fall that He will provide the funds without a doubt. So I cry out that He is holy and worthy of being glorified whether the money comes in or not, and I trust with everything I've got that He has me right where He wants me.

The bridge in Desert Song by Brooke Ligertwood really describes where I long for my heart to be, that no matter where God takes me (Uganda or right here in Cleveland) I will still worship Him and trust in Him with all my heart purely because He is my God.

All of my life in every season

You are still God
I have a reason to sing
I have a reason to worship

His Daughter,
Hannah Renee'

Friday, July 6, 2012

Mission Trip Letter

Dear Family and Friends,
I hope this letter finds you well! I wanted to share some exciting things that are occurring in my life. Three years ago I was able to learn about the country Uganda through an organization called Invisible Children, and since then God has given me such a deep love and passion for this beautiful country and those who live there. I am so excited to share that the Lord has called me to missions, and upon my recent graduation from Strongsville High School I made the decision to serve as a missionary overseas before attending college!
I will be serving as a missionary through an organization, Adventures in Missions, in their Passport program. Passport is AIM’s college-age program where individuals learn how to serve God’s kingdom and become secure in who they are in Christ. From August 29th to December 19th I will be serving in Uganda, where I will be assisting in children’s ministries, HIV/AIDS education, hospital and prison ministries, as well as many other opportunities. 
I am so grateful for this opportunity that God has given me, and I have every confidence that He will provide for my needs! I am writing to ask if you would consider partnering prayerfully and financially with me in my ministry. I must raise $5,500 in order to go on the Passport Mission which covers my flight from Atlanta to Uganda and all my expenses on the field. In order for me to go on the trip a minimum payment of $2,000 is due by July 13th and the rest is due by August 13th. Please be praying that the Lord provides and that His will be done. 
I am inviting you to share in this ministry, which you may do this by donating online. In order to do so first go to, just click “Mission Trip Participants” under the “Donate” tab at the top of the page. Next to “Choose Program” click The Passport and next to “Participant Full Name” type Hannah Apelt.
I am so excited to see how this coming fall God grows me and uses me in the lives of others for His glory. My prayer is to not only be a blessing to those I serve, but also to you. I would be honored to go as your representative to bring Jesus Christ to the country of Uganda. I would also like to thank you in advance for your prayers and financial support. May God bless you as you prayerfully consider supporting me.

Hannah R Apelt

Saturday, June 9, 2012

There's More To Life Than This

            I look around at the American church, and all I can do is shake my head. Somehow we have made it okay to live for the world first and put our duties as Christians on the back-burner. I'm so afraid that in ten years this will be me, I don't want to conform to the so called "normal" American-Christian lifestyle. There has got to be more to the Christian life than this! If I was truly filled with the Holy Spirit, completely committed to living for Christ, and surrendering every aspect of my life to Him I KNOW that my life would look completely different, as well as the lives of those around me. The Lord says to do unto others as you would have them do to you. I know the truth, and therefore I must share it with others. I feel like I have never even experienced the life God has called me to because I'm to busy living comfortably. So this summer rather than sitting in my air conditioned home in my pajamas, watching TV I'm asking that God fill my days with opportunities to glorify Him and share the gospel. Praying that this summer God completely blows my mind and uses me for His glory! I want to be completely stripped down to nothing but the cross! Cannot wait to see what He has in store!!!! :)

His Daughter,
Hannah Renee'

Monday, May 14, 2012

Right Here. Right Now.

          I have realized that it has come time to refocus. During my devos today I read something that made a huge impression on me. "Instead of praying, 'God, what do You want me to do next? you might ask, 'God, what do You want me to do while I'm right here.?'" I think that this kind of thinking is absolutely brilliant. With only nine days left of my high school its become super easy to be uber focussed purely on the future alone, rather than where God has currently placed me. Although I greatly look forward to future relationships, situations, and adventures God will bless me with I need to refocus and pay attention to where I currently am. My family, friends, neighbors, school, youth group, etc. God, I ask that you fill these last nine school days with opportunity after opportunity to glorify You, grow me, and witness to others. Help me look forward, and prepare for the future, but stay focused on where You've placed me right here, right now.
Your Daughter,
Hannah Renee'

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Lean Not On Your Own Understanding

trust n. a: Assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something b: One in which confidence is placed. (Merriam-Webster)

It's official! I sent in my $100.00 deposit and I'm now apart of the fall mission trip going to Uganda with Adventures in Missions!! God is SO good!! Now I have to start working on fundraising, oh boy! The trip is $5,000 not including the money to fly down to AIM in Georgia, pay for shots, the things I need for the trip, passports, etc. But I'm going to have to trust in the Creator of the Universe, it's my only option. Since trust has been such a prevalent theme in my life lately I scoured the Bible for verses which pertained to it. Here are a few that I found..

"Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, Lord have never forsaken those who seek you." Psalm 9:10

"Trust in Him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to Him, for God is our refuge. Selah" Psalm 62:8

"Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul." Psalm 143:8

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;" Proverbs 3:5
"Whoever trusts in his riches will fall, but the righteous will thrive like a green leaf." Proverbs 11:28

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13

Time and time again I (unfortunately) relied on my own strength and resources, each time I either fell flat on my face or missed out on witnessing one of God's many miracles. I have no idea how in the world I'm going to come up with all of this money. But what I do know is that God is my provider, and that He wants me to trust in Him because He's got this all under control. Besides, God's resources are far more vast than my own! :)

Money for mission trip- $4,900
Money for plane ride to Georgia, shots, passport, etc.

His Daughter,
Hannah Renee'

Mission Trip Donations :)

To Donate To My Mission Trip:
Under "Choose Program" click The Passport
Under "Participant Full Name" type Hannah Apelt

Thank you so much for your generosity!!

If you would like to read about AIM (Adventure In Mission) donation policies check out the link below:

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Culture Crossing And A Little Bit Of Faith

Wednesday at 3pm I received a call from Adventures In Missions, congratulating me on my acceptance to the Passport mission trip to Uganda in the upcoming fall!!!:) Beyond excited! I have two weeks to pray, make my final decision and put in my deposit of $100. One thing is for sure, if I do go this trip is definitely going to stretch me in my faith. The trip costs $5,000 and I currently have... $0.00. BUT I do know that if this is what God wants for me He will provide. Although I feel very secure that this is where God wants me to go, I'm going to keep praying and ask for His will to be shown. I did a little research about Uganda culture and here are a few interesting facts I found..

Ugandan Culture
-Tend to communicate indirectly more than directly.
-Humor plays a big role in communicating but don't use sarcasm.
-Always use right hand when shaking hands.
-Personal space tends to be very minimal in Uganda. People often talk very close to each other and less than an arm’s length of space is common.
-In most situations, Ugandans are not overly concerned with being punctual. People are expected to arrive within the first hour or two after the appointed time.
-Women's ankles and shoulders are thought of to be seductive.

If God gives me the privilege of allowing me to experience this amazing country's culture I will surely be able to call myself blessed. With every fact I learn about Ugandans the more I fall in love with these beautiful people. One thing is for sure, whether or not I go to Uganda I can definitely count on my life being an adventure. I cannot wait!

-For God's will to be shown as to whether or not this is where He wants me to be.
-$100.00 for the initial deposit.

His Daughter,
Hannah Renee'

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

On Earth As It Is In Heaven

"Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." Matthew 6:10

Sometimes I imagine what heaven will be like. I have no idea if there will be different races, but if there is I think that would be really cool. That once and for all we will be binded despite our differences through Christ. At the Christmas Eve service we all lit our candles and sang Silent Night, itwas so beautiful to see and be apart of. But what made it so special was the fact that an older woman next to me was singing it in German. It made me get out of my "American shell" and realize that Christians aren't just in America. I know that sounds silly but sometimes that self-centered frame of mind is so easy to slip into. God showed me through this experience that no matter what color skin, heritage, or where our home is we can all be connected through the cross. My hope is to get the chance to sing worship with all different kinds of races. I can't imagine how incredibly beautiful the sound of multiple languages of praise for Christ our Lord filling the air. One day I hope to experience worship on earth as it is in heaven.
His Daughter,
Hannah Renee'

Monday, April 2, 2012


I'm homesick for a country I've never visited, missing people I've never met, and in love with a culture I've never experienced. From listening to stories, reading books, and looking at pictures of the country of Uganda and all those who live there one thing always comes to mind; these people are beautiful. And all I want is a chance to be able to love on them, that they might have a better understanding of Christ's love.

"I gave you a new Law. You are to love each other. You must love each other as I have loved you. If you love each other, all men will know you are My followers." John 13:34-35

Whether or not I get accepted to the fall mission trip to Uganda through AIM (Adventures In Missions) God has put this desire on my heart for a reason. I know where I am called, and I am ready to love. If He really wants me to go I expect Him to provide a way. Until that time I will continue to love those He puts in front of me and pray for those around the world. But I long for the day I get to hold those little hands, pray over His people, sit with the ill, and dance with the well. I can't wait until I get to say the word Nkwagala...I love you.
His Daughter,
Hannah Renee'

Sunday, April 1, 2012

A Time To Grieve, A Time To Dance

"For everything there is a season,
a time for every activityunder heaven.
2 A time to be born and a time to die.
A time to plant and a time to harvest.
3 A time to kill and a time to heal.
A time to tear down and a time to build up.
4 A time to cry and a time to laugh.
A time to grieve and a time to dance.
5 A time to scatter stones and a time to gather stones.
A time to embrace and a time to turn away.
6 A time to search and a time to quit searching.
A time to keep and a time to throw away.
7 A time to tear and a time to mend.
A time to be quiet and a time to speak.
8 A time to love and a time to hate.
A time for war and a time for peace."
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

Yesterday I was reading through Ecclesiastes and I stumbled upon chapter three. This is probably one of my favorite books and chapters as well. Lately God has been showing me that there is a time and place for everything. A time where it is okay to grieve and cry. Within the last two years eight people I knew have passed away. I definitely understand grieving. But there is also atime to rejoice, worship, and be joyful. The time for tears over lost ones has come and gone. Now is my time to rejoice, because death no longer owns me. I'm trying to work on worshiping God and rejoicing, not just in song, but in all aspects of my life. Everything has its time and place. Now is the time to be joyful!
His Daughter,
Hannah Renee'

Under Construction-- La Segunda Parte

I just began a new book entitled Your Knight In Shining Armor by P.B. Wilson. I signed a contract stating that throughout the next six months I would dedicate my life to God constructing me into who he wants me to be for my prospective husband. And that he would strip me of anything that does not give Him (God) glory. During this time I am to not date but focus on my Husband, the Lord (Isaiah 54:5) and have intimate fellowship with Him (read my Bible, prayer, go to museums, parks..enjoy His beauty, etc).
I am so excited to see what God does throughout the next six months! My desire is that He forms and shapes me into becoming more and more like Him. Soooooooooooo stoked to get to know Him that much better!!! :D :D :D Sayonara for now, this girl is official "under construction" for six months. Let's do this!
His Daughter,
Hannah Renee'

Under Construction

New Book-Your Knight In Shining Armor by P.B. Wilson

Forward-Knight Vision
  • "The goal of this book is to allow God--not the world--to fashion you so the Lord can present you to your husband. Meanwhile, you can stop searching, stop visiting places where men hang out, stop waiting for supernatural revelations, and stop torturing yourself over when, where, and whether that special day will come. It will--in God's time and place--if you are properly prepared."
Chapter 1-Knight Blind
  • "On the face of this earth there is one man who will love you. God will present you to him at the right time. And until the right time arrives, there's plenty of work for you to be doing."
  • "The Lord wants to be our First Love. And that doesn't happen unless we have intimate fellowship with Him."
"Lord, I want You to fashion me for my prospective husband. I commit the next six months of my life for Your construction. I will surrender any area which is not controlled by You so that my life will bring You glory." signed 3/30/12

Friday, March 30, 2012


"Shout happily to the Lord, all the earth. Serve the Lord cheerfully. Come into his presence with a joyful song." Psalm 100:1-2

Those moments where you are filled with such joy, and you feel utter bliss. But it doesn't make sense because your life seems to be anything but peaceful. Its those moments that make me fall so much deeper in love with Christ and all He is. I've watched every romantic movie, heard every love song, read every mushy story, but nothing; nothing can compare to this kind of love. Every girl dreams of having a guy that would be so in love with her, to even be willing to give up his life if it meant saving hers. But I already have that. Joy. I know that's what consumes me.
I just finished Leviticus (yay!) a pretty difficult book for me to work my way through, but I did it and I'm surprised at what
God was able to show me by reading a bunch of seemingly repulsive and wacky laws. Holiness is important. God is perfect and compared to Him we are nothing. I'm not exactly sure how this will impact my spiritual life, but its already showed me how thankful I need to be that God sent His Son as a sacrifice. Because I know that if God asked me to go sacrifice a lamb I would end up naming it and want to keep it as a pet. haha :) So be glad the sacrifice has already been taken care of! Guess God showed me this at the perfect time, right before Easter!
Feeling kind of blissful at the moment. Happy where life is, not really worrying much about tomorrow's problems. Isn't that is how it is supposed to be when Christ is in your life? He knows what He's doing, so why worry? Easier said than done I know, but with God all things are possible. Hmmmm going to hit the hay, tomorrow is Friday yay!! So excited for the weekend and everything it will have to offer. I've kind of been going off on random tangents but that's okay! :) To sum it all up I'm just really in love right now, head over heels for a guy that gave it all for me 2000 years ago. Ahh bliss.
His Daughter,
Hannah Renee'

Thursday, March 29, 2012

A Season of Growth and Learning

"To everything there is a season, anda time to every purpose under heaven:" Ecclesiastes 3:1

I enjoy taking a look back at all of my different seasons throughout my walk with Christ, and seeing what He has taught me. But this year I can't necessarily pinpoint one specific thing I have learned , so I will call this year a season of immense growth and learning. It has blown my mind how much God grows you when you open yourself up. The experience has been, in a word, amazing.

A few things God has taught me this year...
  • If anything consumes my time and thoughts more than God does its an idol.
  • Sometimes you have to quit talking, be quiet, and just listen.
  • Expect God to do big things inyour life, every single day.
  • God is a father to the fatherless.
  • Amidst the chaos that life throws at you, you can find complete peace in God.
  • If you can't love well at home yet, don't even try to love in the youth group.
  • Ask God to stretch and shape you, stripping you down to nothing but the cross.
  • Joy is better than situational happiness.
  • God makes beautiful things, I am beautiful because God made me.
  • I'm created by God, and worthy of being treasured.
  • Being broken is at the core of what it means to be a Christian, because its then that we can be completely filled with Christ.
  • We aren't promised another breath, so thank God for everything.
  • Unrequited love hurts, imagine how God feels when we don't talk to Him.
  • Holiness is extremely important to God.
  • God's will should be the desire of Your heart.
  • You should long to glorify Christ in every aspect of your life.
  • God always knows better.
His Daughter,
Hannah Renee'