Lately all conversations within my household have been focused on the ebola threat in Uganda. My mom's kind of freaking out, which I can kind of understand with the whole "mom" thing and all. ;) But this whole epidemic has only spurred my love and desire to go to Uganda. Which really doesn't make much sense, people are dying due to an unknown disease with no cure..great LET'S GO! haha My first reaction was that isn't this when they would need our help more than ever?
My heart aches for Uganda, and I can't explain it. This beautiful country and their beautiful people have gone through pain that I cannot even begin to imagine. So much brokeness. So much hurt. They were finally on the mend, and now this? I know that they have had ebola threats in the past, but it just seems like one more thing they have to deal with. I don't understand what God is doing, but I know that He is good.
Whether I remain in the states or cross the Atlantic I trust that God will use me in Africa, if I'm praying at home or playing soccer with Ugandans He will use me. I've been asking God to grow my faith..I guess this is Him doing that? Anyways, through all of this my heart will sing no other name. :) God is SO good!
His Daughter,
Hannah Renee'