I have realized that it has come time to refocus. During my devos today I read something that made a huge impression on me. "Instead of praying, 'God, what do You want me to do next? you might ask, 'God, what do You want me to do while I'm right here.?'" I think that this kind of thinking is absolutely brilliant. With only nine days left of my high school its become super easy to be uber focussed purely on the future alone, rather than where God has currently placed me. Although I greatly look forward to future relationships, situations, and adventures God will bless me with I need to refocus and pay attention to where I currently am. My family, friends, neighbors, school, youth group, etc. God, I ask that you fill these last nine school days with opportunity after opportunity to glorify You, grow me, and witness to others. Help me look forward, and prepare for the future, but stay focused on where You've placed me right here, right now.
Your Daughter,
Hannah Renee'
Your Daughter,
Hannah Renee'